Sita Flammer • alchemist • spiritual channel • creative

“The body is a sacred garment.” Martha Graham
Welcome! My name is Sita. I love helping people get in touch with their creative life force, to return to a more comfortable and easy connection to self, to feel more full, more alive. I find that once someone understands what their deeper needs and feelings are, they can approach what they really want.
I have seen people move from externally focused and stuck to reinvigorating an inner flow and knowing how to take steps in their best direction. I will help you to find a life that works for you whether it is about work, relationship, or transition into something utterly new.
I offer Clairvoyant readings to help you get clear information for your life.
I also offer Energy Medicine sessions to clear out old patterns and bring in new, more effective ways of being.
Do you sense that there is so much more for you then what you currently feel and know?
Would you like to feel more clear, grounded and creative in life?
Would you like to have more love and fulfillment, more closeness in relationships?
Lets Get Started! Contact me and we can
set up a time for a conversation to find out more.
Sita at:
LEARN more about energy medicine and the readings under specific website tabs.

•Clear negative thoughts that keep you limited and closed down. “I can’t..., I shouldn't....I’m not lovable...”
•Root out limiting generational complexes. These are seemingly unrelated patterns and feelings that arise from our family history and even before this lifetime.
“I feel responsible for some things I never did and I don’t know why.” “I feel that I am bad, unworthy, and I just can’t seem to shake it.” “I keep attracting the same kind of partner who is not a good match for me.”
•Healthier habits that result in more daily satisfaction.
•Experience well being. Feel calm, and energized at the same time.
•Get in touch with your Intuition and create the life you want.
•Improve digestive distress, headaches and other symptoms.
• Reveal and transform shadow aspects of yourself. Unknown subconscious material can drive
your behavior and keep you in destructive or limiting patterns.

Please contact me with any questions